✦ Admission open for all grades (Early Years to Grade 11) ✦ Scholarship available from Grade 5 to Grade 12 ✦
✦ Admission open for all grades (Early Years to Grade 11) ✦ Scholarship available from Grade 5 to Grade 12 ✦

BLISS Saturday

BLISS saturday are enrichment saturdays that allow the students to be free alongside their educational and academic learning

BLISS Saturdays are our school’s prescription for health for our students. While play time has received the importance it deserves in conversations and schedules, its actual role in fostering essential social, cultural, emotional and cognitive development and its role in cultivating creativity, imagination and social behaviours in the childhood years is utilised very effectively on a BLISS Saturday at BIS.

A very important group – Adolescents, have been largely left out of discussion on play.  Adolescents need time to play too. Sing, Dance, Theatre, Object play, Outdoor play, Pretend play, Free play, Games, Physical play, Indoor games, Simple experiments, Word problems- Chess- BasketBall – Swimming- First aid skills- Yoga- Film Club- Vocabulary Building- Environmental Club- Cooking- Edutainment- Robotic- Tech Club-  and many many more engagements are organised for students at BIS. The child could be a bird watching enthusiast, a stand up comedian or a cooking aficionado. The student could have a green thumb (gardening enthusiast) or be a puppeteer, all these and more are encouraged and cultivated further to enhance their experiences. 

These, sometimes, non structured and non instructional engagements for children across all grades are highly recommended and prescribed by BIS. Giving our students plenty of opportunities to play and learn is one of the best ways to help them grow into curious, creative, healthy, and happy adults equipped with the skills they need today and the skills they already own. During play, children are supported and encouraged to find out more and explore, to play with what they know, and to have a try at what they think might be. To be involved, concentrate, keep trying, and enjoy achieving. To have their own ideas, establish and correlate and choose ways to accomplish things. 

BLISS Saturday are enrichment saturdays that allow the students to be free alongside their educational and academic learning

The best way to get to know us is to arrange to visit. However, we are also available via phone and email.
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