Nursery, Prep 1 and Prep 2 is based on the universally established areas of learning and development and essentially emphasises on the self help skills and abilities that are prerequisites for every child this age. Eating Independence, Toilet Hygiene, Grooming abilities.These skills are prerequisites for confidence and progress of the child and reflect in their learning in other areas of life too.
Universally established areas of Education, learning and development are:
Preparatory school 1 and 2 focuses on providing continuity from nursery school and provides for a vast outdoor play deck that is designed to conduct educational activities in the shaded sun. Plank Play, Cycling, Play House, Trippy Tyres, Sand Play, Cycling, Traffic Displays and more are designated play stations for the little children
Progression in learning for students as they transition from child-initiated play in EYFS to more structured learning experience in Preparatory class 2 . As well as equipping students with the essential skills for learning, education is about students experiencing the joy of discovery, problem solving and creative thinking to grow intellectually, socially and emotionally.
The curriculum is designed to build on student skills and knowledge, and develop their interests to explore and learn confidently and collaboratively. It promotes an inquiring mind with the capacity to think rationally through the essential learning skills of English, maths, PHE (Physical Health Education) and science along with computing, drama, music, dance and physical education too. German and French are introduced in EYFS and taught formally from Preparatory 2.
Assessment of learning is an ongoing process of evaluating at BIS and recording, tracking and reporting their progress to inform planning and differentiation on a daily and unit basis. Learning expectations and progress are communicated to students through teacher feedback, we celebrate their learning, and provide them with multiple opportunities to self-reflect and assess. Newsletters, parent-facilitator – student conferences, notes in the school diary and school reports are used for communication between Teachers, students and Parents..
Our School Partners with parents to create a powerful environment of security and learning for our students and we welcome and appreciate parental involvement with the student’s learning and school life.
PYP 1 to PYP 5
Primary school follows the integration of a primary years programme along with the enrichment programme of BIS, and ensures that students moving to other international schools have an easy transition with the demands of the curriculum. We believe that all students should benefit from the rich experiences that life in India provides and have adapted the curriculum to maximise the opportunities which exist here. A strong emphasis on honesty, pride, integrity, and kindness is tied in with the school Learner Profile attributes. With our well-defined curriculum, students grow into being well-rounded, happy and responsible individuals. .Students in Primary Years Program are encouraged to learn through a sense of Inquiry to develop into independent, reflective learning. The focus here is to provide continuity and progression in learning for all students as they move on to the rigour of PYP.
Language and maths are vital and are combined with rich and exciting cross-curricular integrations established through the areas of UOI, , sciences, dance, drama, music, and Personal, and Social Education, And Physical and Health Education. The skills of independent learning, behavioral reflection, cooperation with others are also developed along with attitudes and values to ensure progression in the development of essential life skills at this young age. The formal subjects and areas of learning are as follows:
Class may begin with questions by the facilitator and responses from the students are guided to allow them to think beyond the apparent. Creativity Activity and Service – Fun version of B-CAN elements are included in engagements for this age group. Learning environments are personalised and learning goals are evaluated by
At BIS the learning outcome of each student is shared with their parents four times a year . Three times in a PFSC – Parent Facilitator Student Conference and one time with a Student Led Conference where the students themselves demonstrate their own learning graph and lead the conference, taking ownership of the whole process
Do visit the school and meet with our PYP Coordinator for any queries regarding the programme.